Interact Club

Installation of Interact Club of Chinmaya Educational Institutions

“ Leaders are not born but are made by their experience in life “.

The Installation of the Interact Club of Chinmaya Educational Institutions was held on Saturday the 6th of March 2020-21 at 11.00 am at the School Auditorium. After the Invocation and welcome by the Headmistress Mrs. Purnima J. Bhat, the program was officially inaugurated by the traditional lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries. Rotary club President Rtn. Archibald Menezes inducted the Interact President Int. Kavya N. K . Youth Service Director Rtn. Vinod Dsouza and Mr. M. N. Pai, President of Chinmaya Educational Institutions inducted the other Office Bearers. Interact President Int. Kavya N.K then delivered her acceptance speech. Rotary President Rtn. Archibald Menezes & Youth Service Director Rtn. Vinod Dsouza gave a meaningful and excellent messages on goals of Interact club. The President of Chinmaya Educational Institutions Mr. M. N. Pai in his address inspired and encouraged the students to be dutiful and responsible.

The Secretary of Interact club 2019-20 Int. Drithi R.A presented the Annual report of Interact Club for the year 2019-20. Vote of thanks was proposed by the Staff Co-Ordinator Mrs. Ashalatha. The programme was concluded with singing of the National Anthem. President of Interact Club 2019-20 Int. Manya Nayak was the master of Ceremony.

The Newly elected office bearers for the year 2020- 21 are:
President : Int. Kavya N. K
Vice President : Int. Vaishal N.V
Secretary : Int. Bhoomika Hegde Joint Secretary : Int. Shreedevi
Treasurer : Int. Sneha D. S
Community service Director: Int. Bhavish S. Bejai
Vocational Service Director: Int. Amrith Rao
Youth service Director: Int. Varshini D. N
International Service Director: Int. Anantha Krishna Karanth
SGT at Arms: Tharunya Naik